Muse Names is a database of names from Muse Creations created for Windows platforms. This database is aimed at parents looking for a perfect name for their newly arrived little one, and also at creative writers who are looking for a perfect character name for their new fiction, etc.
Muse Names is not just a database that stores some names, but it also has some numerological analysis of names, and you can look for the meaning of the name, etc. This program even predicts the personality characteristics of a person having a particular name. It has over forty thousand names from over seventy ethnic origins. That perfect name can be searched by meaning, by origin, by gender, by starting or ending letters. A name search can be done with options set to find an exact match, or to search for names beginning with specific letters, ending with specific letters, or containing certain letters. Once a name is retrieved from the records, the program will show you the name, its meaning and origin. Numerological analysis and personality details related to the name will be shown in a table. Search results can also be printed. The Edit Database option allows you to modify the already stored data.
MuseNames is a useful tool for those looking for a perfect name for their loved ones, and also for a dear character of one's fiction.